- Category: Property Insurance Services.
The insurance cover of every individual’s residence is essential nowadays since this part of property is a very important element for our every day stability and reassurance.
Furthermore if we take into consideration that the Greek territory is considered to be one of the most vulnerable areas due to earthquakes and floods, this kind of insurance is indispensable.
The above coverage provides the following:
- Fire, thunder, explosion, smoke
- Revolt, strike, terrorism, malicious acts
- Damages due to heavy weather
- Robbery due to burglary /theft
- Collision of vehicle, aircraft fall, random breaking of glass
- Liability
- Loss of rentals as an extend of material damages
- Additional expenses as an extend of material damages: collecting debris, expenses due to temporary residence
- Transport /content’s re installment
- Loss/damage of property during temporary removal
- Earthquake
- Damages to electrical Facilities
- Subsidence/Gliding
- Additional structures
- Objects being outdoors
- Jewels/valuables
- Mortgage interest
- Traveling coverage
- Legal protection